Always follow the information and advice you are given as a contact lens wearer, as they are classed as a medical device. Always wash and dry your hands prior to handling your lenses.
Always rub, rinse and store your lenses in the recommended solution before and after each use (except single use lenses which should be discarded after each wear).
Always apply the same lens first as it will avoid mixing them up. Check the lens is not inside out before insertion.
Ensure your hands are washed, clean and dry
Fill your lens case with fresh contact lens solution
Always clean your contact lenses immediately after you remove them
Place the lens in the clean, dry palm of your hand
Apply a few drops of your recommended contact lens solution
With the pad of one finger, gently rub the lens in a circular motion ensuring the contact lens remains in the palm of your hand and in contact with the solution. This will clean the lens surface
Rinse your lens thoroughly with your recommended contact lens solution
Put the lens into your clean contact lens case
Repeat this routine for your other lens
Close the case and leave your lenses to soak overnight
Ensure the lid for your contact lens solution is replaced after every use

Never use tap water in your case or on your contact lenses. Please refer to your contact lens solution instruction guide for further information about how long to soak your lenses or how often you should change the solution if you don’t wear them daily.
If you have any redness or discomfort in your contact lenses, we advise that you do not continue to wear them. Contact us so we can best advise you the best course of action.
If a comfort drop is required for your contact lenses, we can advise you which would be most suitable for your needs. Please be aware that some eye drops are not compatible with your contact lenses. Please check with your optician before commencing use.
If you notice any discharge from your eye, please remove your lenses immediately and dispose of them. DO NOT reuse these as you may have an eye infection. If you are concerned please book in to see your optician.